90 on 95

Sports, rumors, and humor from the Ben Franklin to the George Washington

You Dropped a Bomb on Me……Baby

Bomb Dropper

You gotta love living in 2011.  Forget about the Debt crisis, world famine, humanitarian issues, party politics, and everything else that just seemingly wants to depress the shit out of you, life is good.  In my opinion there has never been a better time to be alive.  Last night I was doing things I never thought I would be able too even five years ago.  Simultaneously I was watching the Phillies in HD from Los Angeles, drinking a delicious micro brew from Nantucket, and listening to the Phish webcast from Lake Tahoe.  Technology is pretty sweet.   You wanna know whats even sweeter?  Cliff Lee going yahtzee off Ted Lilly for his 2nd HR of the year.  Bartledoo(who once used to blog here before he got to big and started focusing on his main gig at mysecretboston.com) and myself were sitting there just admiring the practice cuts that Cliff was taking.

Bartledoo: “God just look at those practice swings…this guy just loves to hit”

CaptainDan: “I know… I bet he takes one deep here”


BOOM.  I started screaming like I was a 13 year old girl and Justin Timberlake just blew me a kiss.  Cliff deposits a 2-0 changeup (you are SUUUUCH a pussy Ted Lilly) about 5 rows deep into the right field seats and the whole Phillies Dugout had grins from ear to ear.  Chooch started doing little dances that only him and Michael Martinez understood, Chuck was laughing’ his ass off, Raul was jealous as shit.  The best part?  Apparently Cliff had a little wager with Kyle Kendrick, and as Cliff was trotting floating levitating jogging around the bases he looked for Kendrick in the dugout and gave him the universal “Pay me my money bitch” sign by rubbing his hands together in a gangsta like fashion.  Like I mentioned last week….Money ain’t a thang to Cliff.  Vanimal is going for the sweep.  Get Some.

Take Notice, Bahhhhston and New York

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